Anyone want to help me figure out this translation? (click the photo to enlarge)
This is the first page of Vestine's letter. It's not easy to follow. The first letter I recieved from her was great, this one wasn't translated well I don't think.
Beloved parent, I greet you in the name of Jesus. I write to you in order to ask your views, at home we are doing well. With my family we don’t have a ??????. Courses are going well, and I pray God? good?? I use to small works at home, and I review courses.
I appreciated a letter you have sent to me, it was interesting, I am in a choir, and at home it rains. Does it rain in your country?
Give my regards

And the best part, A PHOTO!!!! She says that this is a photo taken when the family (?) was baptised. AWESOME!!!
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